If you think you know leather craft, think again. With such a versatile material like leather it’s a wonder that the average sandal, handbag, or belt you see looks just like the last one you saw. The problem is that most leather craftsmen are more interested in sales than creativity. It’s a pity, but these highly talented individuals seldom achieve their potential.

My Fortune Collection is different.

Located in Trinidad & Tobago in the Caribbean. We specialize in original designs. Not only do we create our own, unique designs, we can also build a design that you’ve come up with. Our motto: Exquisite, Unique, Original, Stylish and Outstanding. says it all. Yes. Imagine walking around with your own designer original!

Either way, give us a call or send us an email so that we can make your perfect style. Wouldn’t it be nice for a change to have someone wanting what you have instead of you wanting what they have?

So, take a look at the designs we have or come up with your own. And, visit us often because we update styles regularly. You never know when your perfect style will be there.

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